Alessandra Bonoli + HistriX
Aless­andra Bonoli + HistriX

Peri­metro e Bil­an­cia

90,00 €

Aless­andra Bonoli + HistriX

Peri­metro e Bil­an­cia

A hard tex­tile cover box,

con­tain­ing four ac­cor­dion

book­lets with pho­tos, draw­ings and mu­sical nota­tions.

8 pages each book­let.

Size: 12x17 cm. closed.


A CD with 4 soundtracks.


An ori­ginal art­work on paper,

signed by the artist.


Box size: 30x40 cm.

Edi­tion: 40 numbered and signed cop­ies.


Texts in Eng­lish or Italian.

- In 1978, while on a trip on the banks of Loch Ness, I thought of cre­at­ing a music cre­ated from the basic spa­tial lines of that place, from those lines that de­term­ine the es­sen­tial skel­eton as part of the gen­eral pan­or­ama of a space. Sounds, whose roots are not born from emo­tional dy­nam­ics but from the move­ment of spa­tial rhythm it­self. I then star­ted a task that has ac­com­pan­ied me for 36 years, vis­it­ing 60 coun­tries around the world with thou­sands of pho­to­graphs to pre­serve con­di­tions of time in unique mo­ments. Choos­ing a photo for each coun­try vis­ited, I sought to trace sounds of the Earth, from among the end­less pos­sib­il­it­ies, to ob­tain one over­all en­com­passing sound-.


Aless­andra Bonoli

When Aless­andra Bonoli asked us to cre­ate the music for her “Peri­metro e Bil­an­cia” in­stall­a­tion, he gave us a kind of mu­sical pen­ta­gram full of graphic signs through which he sought to con­vey his in­spir­a­tion using a purely graphic lan­guage. This was our start­ing point for the four mu­sical com­pos­i­tions. Aless­andra also gave us a series of words as a de­scrip­tion of sen­sa­tions, feel­ings and sounds.

Later we com­posed the four tracks fo­cus­sing on the geo­graph­ical loc­a­tions of the work as an evoc­at­ive and emo­tional soundtrack.

